Guernsey Chamber of Commerce is rated 3 out of 5 in the category nonprofit organization management. Read and write reviews about Guernsey Chamber of Commerce. Guernsey's leading business networking association supporting local business, charities, not for profits and individuals. With over 600 members representing the full spectrum of Guernsey’s vibrant and diverse community, we represent a large portion of the Island’s business community. Chamber’s structure comprises an elected council, some of whom will chair a subgroup which focuses on a particular area i.e. transport, planning or tax. Our Council members receive no remuneration and act on a purely voluntary basis. Day to day control of Chamber is supervised by the Executive Management committee consisting of the President, Vice-President, Honorary Treasurer and the Secretariat. The Secretariat consists of a Director and Secretaries who enact the requirements of the Executive and above all serve our membership. Chamber aims to be constructive in its approach to developing business in the Bailiwick. Although reactionary to specific issues as they arise, it aims to be proactive in looking for business opportunities and assisting members in areas that affect their business. Most importantly Chamber is the property of its members. The President calls upon all members to challenge Chamber to remain a true voice of its members and the business community of the Island.
Business Development Centre Markets Inner Street
Company size
1-10 employees
St Peter Port, Guernsey